I've got a list as long as my arms of things which excite me from them and the list is growing more and more, as I read lovely reviews and gorgeous pictures of their products. Lately, my eyes have set on this smokey eye kit, SIMMER (£8) which Models Own have released. It comes with 2 cute brushes and it seems to be a handy palette to have.
Since the last 50% sale, I've dreaming for the day when Models Own would do a 50% sale and then I can buy everything I want (well within this reason)
Well, it seems this day has finally come but I am not sure what to think about it, and there is a big IF about it.
That's right. If models own reaches 50,000 fans on Facebook by the end of August, they will hold a 50% sale.The 50% discount voucher will only be made available IF the Models Own Facebook page reaches 50,000 likes by August 31, 2011 (Terms and Conditions here)
Yeah but what if Models Own don't reach their target by the end of the month?
Would I have tweeted and invited my friends and family for nothing? Will the sale happen anyway when they reach 50,000 fans, like Elf Cosmetics do, to reward their followers? They've just reached about 30 minutes ago 30,000 fans. Is it likely that they will reach 20,000 between now and the end of the month?
What do you think? Is the target feasible? Shall I wait to order my stuff or will the 50% sale never happen? I've asked Models Own but they politely replied that they couldn’t comment on the question.
I think the real question is, if they had the sale, whether you would get the products anyway! I don't trust these FB sales!
Lazy PR people can do their own promotion...I doubt they'll get to 50,000 by the end of the month and last time they had a bit of a sale fail, apparantly (not along Sleek lines but quite bad) so idk. I'm interested in their lip balms but I really, really hate companies that have poor consumer interaction and service so even if they do meet that magical target, I might pass.
I'd buy things you really want right now but things that you can do without wait until their 50% off sale. If you ask me they should be rewarding customers from 30,000 Likes onwards. I saw this myself and was going to post it but like you I don't know if I should because if they don't get to 50,000 Likes are they going to disappoint people?
I doubt I will. I got loads last year and they haven't brought out any other shades that take my fancy x
I only like their make up brushes so I'll give it a miss.
I hate when companies do that! Make up promote them for a sale but only if we manage to promote them enough. seems shady.
Ps, Im missing your twitter chats :(
make *us* I meant to say xxx
They did this last year and it was a bit of a shambles. They made it to the limit but they sent people the wrong orders and it really put me off them tbh xx
hmmm i dont know, i dont like things where they ask you to do all the inviting and RTs i just think its lazy... :D
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