Sunday, 6 January 2013

Last night a hair dye saved my life

So what do you do when you have a special occasion coming up, at the very last minute, there's no time to do anything and you're white as an headache tablet? You experiment with bronzer or wash off fake tan, and pray it doesn't rain. When it comes to hair, things are a little bit trickier, especially when there are grey hair involved. Colouring your hair is messy, super messy and if you're anything like me your hair only looks presentable the second time you wash it. No matter how much I rinse my hair, straight after colouring it, you can guarantee I will be left with a stained scalp and other tell tale signs.

While browsing Superdrug, I came across the Colour Effects wash in and wash out and I can't even begin to tell you how many times this has saved my ‘life’. I couldn't tell you how many times I bought it too.


The idea is to wash your hair as normal, pop a bit of the conditioning colour on your hair, leave it to rest for 5 minutes and voila. In reality, it is not straight forward as that. My hair is so bleeming dark, I like to leave it on 15 minutes (this is something I always do with any type of hair colourant) while I go about ma’ business in the bath. The product is super runny and before 15 minutes have elapsed, you look like you had a head injury and the red colourant is dripping all over your body.

The way I go round this is to apply this temporary conditioning colour and cover my head with 2 disposable shower caps immediately after. Bulk buying disposable caps is probably one of my best (and probably most boring) beauty investments in the whole of 2012. Don't even think of trying this hair colour and not having some sort of head gear at your disposal. You will only manage waiting for 5 minutes (if that) and you'll freak out in case the skin of your whole body gets stained in the process, which is probably something you don't want on the day of your special occasion.

The result is quite striking. If you have grey hair, you will still be able to see where they are, but they will look almost as highlights and will blend better with the rest of your hair. The bottle says that it contains enough product for 3 applications. I find that I just have enough product for 2 applications on my 20 inches hair. I love how it gives me enough colour to temporarily (2 shampoos) to cover the bits I am self conscious about but without the faff of a traditional hair colourant. You don't need to worry about gloves either and it won't stain neither nails or hands.

I easily could think of 2 brands which offer a wash in, wash out hair colourant with far superior quality: the legendary shaders and toners from Wella and another brand which used to be only sold at Tesco. Both of them seem to have been discontinued. Colour Effects from Superdrug are far from perfect. If I had to give it a mark, it'd just scrape a 5 out 10, due to its extremely runny texture. But it has saved my bacon so many times, it's a product that I've been buying again, again and again. It is definitely, for me, anyway, a case of 'confidence in a bottle' and that is priceless.

What: Superdrug Colour Effects Wash in Wash out. (6:4 rich red)    
How much: £1.29    
Where: Superdrug
Availability: even the small and dingy superdrugs have got it :)  

It’s Sunday and that means it’s Blogging Date with Sirvinya. If you have a few minutes to spare, please do check Sirvinya’s beauty blog. It’s been a real challenge for me this week. To say that I have been feeling rusty, is an understatement. Thank you for reading xx


Emma Cossey said...

I've been using these (in Rich Red) for a few months and I love them - especially as I'm a hair dye virgin. They give my natural red hair a bit of depth and make it really shiny! Annoyingly though, I can't seem to find my colour in a lot of my local stores and they don't seem to sell them online!

Wendy said...

HA HA HA at head injury, i actually laughed out loud! I've been lucky so far when it comes to greys, but they're definitely multiplying now, i might give these a look! Good to see you back on your blog x x x

Lori said...

I used to use these wash in/out dyes all the time and loved them.
My hair is mostly some sort of red shade so my bathroom constantly looks like some kind of massacre has happened.
I'm trying to use only henna just now on my hair but I might give them a bash in the future


Powdered Almond said...

Haha your post gave me a good chuckle. Do you remember those wella colour mousses? They were great. I'm glad you blogged, I miss you when you're not about. Good on Sirvinya for making you do it. And hey, I hope you enjoyed your special occasion too. x

Kerro said...

The lightest blonde one i used to use all the time to cancel out brassyness now im brown i use this to top up when my colour starts to fade and i cant be bothered with a proper dye job

Perdita Tinsel said...

These sound great for a quick fix, will deffo try!

Unknown said...

I love these. Shame they went up in price. :< I used rich red after I permanantly dyed my hair and my roots came through, helped me fade it out nicely!

Lizzums x

Lydia said...

I think this sounds just like what I need for when my hair starts to fade, definitely going to look in my Superdrug for these xx

Unknown said...

Wow, great find! This is something that could save my locks from color fade syndrome. Perhaps postpone the necessary salon trip a while longer.

Anonymous said...


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