There is only one ‘slight’ problem. Not only did we (or my Superdrug anyway) only get 3 shades out of the 10 available but the shades we have seem to be totally different. I am confused. Where is the gorgeous taupe and the sultry pomegranate? Are we really only getting 3 shades?
Is that it?
So it is a lot of sadness and disappointment that I am only able to show you swatches of the 3 colours I have found. I can confirm that these are incredibly long lasting on my hand, I have yet to purchase some and test how they fare on the eyelid and how much creasing they will generate.
Maybelline Color Tattoos are available in selected Superdrug stores and can be purchased at £4.99.
*recedes in a corner and sulks*
It's interesting to me that a) they aren't even mentioned on the Maybelline UK website, and b) that they seem to have renamed the colours for the UK market.
LOL! how disappointing! hopefully we will be getting the other shades too.. ?
The eternal gold seems just so gorgeous!!! These are yet to be launched here. But form what I read, I suspect if these are the potted versions of the Vivid and Smooth eye pencils
We better be getting more shades! We always get a raw deal over here! We have to pay more so the least they could do is give us the full line.
I hope the matt taupe gets released, it was the only one I really wanted!
I've been looking forward to these coming out. I'm going to have to find myself a Superdrug to pop into at the weekend in London, I have a feeling only the large ones will have all of the colours as my local one isn't that big.
Im in county durham and our superdrug has 6 shades. On and on bronze, immortal charcoal, eternal gold, turquoise forever, permanent taupe, and endless purple. They are £4.99 each, but superdrug has a 3 for 2 offer on all maybelline, so i got all 6 for £20. X
[test for you]
There were 5 shades at one of the Birmingham superdrugs... But no testers available :/ x
I've only seen three aswell :( I do really like the bronzey colour though, and they aren't bad for £4.99!
The Boots website has a page for them here, it seems like we're not getting the pomegranate, green or orange colours. They're out of stock at the moment but I assume that just means they haven't gone on sale yet! I have 'On and on bronze' and it's lovely but very glittery!
I went to Superdrug today & they had 6 shades there! The taupe was sold out though. There was a 3 for 2 offer on as well :D
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