I was super excited when I won a ped egg on a blog giveaway. I have a fair amount of dry skin mainly on the balls of the feet area which I have been dealing with a callus shaver (it looks like a potato peeler). So, I could not wait to try this little number and compare the two.
When It arrived in the post, it looked even more like a metallic cheese grater for feet that I expected and I was a bit scared frankly. So scared, that my first attempt was very pathetic. I could not see any difference at all, and I was not putting enough pressure and it was not doing anything.
I put a bit more pressure, in the hope of collecting some parmesan coppers (to photograph for you, aren’t you lucky!) like in the advert, but all I was collecting was a pathetic little foam and it was going everywhere, but not in the lid, where I was supposed to go.
I kept at it, (after all, who cares if it goes everywhere, i can dust it off afterwards, right?) and put a bit more pressure. I found the result to be pretty uneven: in parts, I felt it removed too much skin, in some others, it was like it needed more.
I am convinced I will get better results if i practise more and once i get the hang of it, it will be all right, but the overall feeling is that I can't get past this metallic grater feeling and it makes me uncomfortable. Oh I am such a wuss…
Get a Microplane, they're much better.
@vexinthecitaaaay ooo thanks for the tip, never heard of that and googling it as we speak xx
I've tried this contraption many times and I've never been very impressed. I went back to my Tweezerman Pedro Callus Stone. I love, LOVE it. I use it every day in the shower. I purchased mine at Sephora.
that's fair enough :)
great blog
loving the posts
stop by some time!
I had one of those, I quickly chucked it when all I could smell was burning skin. Try using it in the shower when your skin is softer. Thats what I did.
It does look like a cheese grater doesn't it! I've always been intrigued by these ped eggs, but think I'll check out a microplane :)
I bought a Sally Hansen foot scraper thing from superdrug for 50p, has really helped my long neglected feet become nice and smooth :)
Make sure that the pedegg is always facing upwards and only use it in straight lines. Don't see-saw back and forth. x
Oh, also ... once you have removed the dry skin you will need to treat your feet. I recommend a nice, soothing anti-septic foot gel followed by a luxurious foot cream. I got a set of a scrub, cream, bath and gel from boots for a few pounds in their foot-care section. x
I read Vex's comment and am now Googling microplane too.
I find that the Ped Egg works best on the heels of my feet but even then I feel that it is just a smoother and doesn't actually remove as much hard skin as it promised, it just smoothes over the area.
The Body Shop do a very good Peppermint foot scrub, it's not wimpy and not too hard, it really takes the dry skin off.
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