I set myself on an easy job: removing a straight forward 2 days old nail polish with the pink (classics) and it was ok. It did its job without too much effort and pretty quickly but I didn’t find anything special to it. I instantly missed my Cutex. Not sure if you’ve tried this little purple number but whoa this stuff is pretty powerful. I have never seen anything like it. One swipe and the whole lot is gone. Now that I’ve bought the Pink Classics Nail Polish Remover, I might just as well use it, since it does a decent job, but I don’t think I am going to repurchase it.
BUT ...
While I was praising the glories of the Cutex Polish Remover on twitter (and laughing to myself at the fact that removing glitter was also a doddle) my friend Debbie/BeautyBegins/BeautyBlogRoll (@drew692) asked me whether it contained Acetone. I am ashamed to say that it had actually never crossed my mind to see if it contained Acetone. What if it did? Is that really bad? Surely, it can’t be as bad as smoking, right? Should I opt for an acetone-free nail polish remover instead? Pop over to Debbie’s post and find out. In the meantime, if you don’t mind walking on the wild side, I would definitely recommend the Cutex Nail Polish Remover but you might want to read more about acetone on nails here and know the facts *eek* …
I have to say I try to avoid acetone if I can I find it really drying
I am using the Sally Hansen tub ones at the moment which are really good and some are acetone free but my favourites are either the Butter London Powder Room or anyone by Leighton Denny - pricey but worth it
But see my sweet, sometimes you just have to walk on the wildside to get to niceside. So when you've finished that bottle, give your nails a break from the cigs lol, and come over to the niceside, your nails will love you more for it.
Love you my wildside sis =)
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