How dare you Barry M tempting me with a whole host of mouth watering products, when I am in the middle of a spending ban? Barry M has just released 2 new shades of nail polishes on their website: Blue Moon 317 {Blue Lagoon totally sounds way cooler :P} and Peach Melba 318.
I am not sure when they will be available from your local Boots and Superdrug, but you can order them online at its usual bargain price of £2.99 each.
Also, hot from the oven, the Wink Marker Pen (£4.59)
A chunky marker pen style eyeliner that makes lining your eyes easy. In simple strokes you can create instense, bold lines and flicks. Quick drying and long lasting as the perfect eyeliner should be! £4.59
Love the design and the bulkyness of it but is that going to dry up in 2 minutes like lots of other pen-style eyeliner? (hinting at you Eyeko)
2. Imperfection Correction (£5.99)
Our NEW Imperfection Correction concealer pen has been developed to conceal blemishes, dark circles and signs of fatigue from the eye area, whilst illuminating the skin and adding a touch of radiance.
It is available in 3 shades to suit all skin tones (Ivory, Almond & Peach) and the enriched formulation provides smooth and long lasting wear. Simply twist the pen for the liquid to appear and brush onto your face for a flawless finish.
There is no way I would buy this without first swatching in the shop. The applicator reminds me of Touche Eclat. I wonder what the texture is like.
3. Finally, the 3 recent colourful additions to the Instant Nail Effects (£3.99) hitting the 'physical stores' with no more precise date than "in a month or so". I must admit the future release of 8 the Models Own crackle polishes has excited me more but I cannot deny that the colours are absolutely gorgeous, from the photos I have seen so far. I've seen a girl wearing a girl wearing pink crackle on bright fuchsia and it looks so cool. I am very tempted and you can 2 Barry M crackle polishes for the price of one Models own. But since Beautyuk will also be releasing a pink crackle polish in May, I might just as well wait for that one, since the polishes there usually cost £1.99 (maybe it will be £2.99 for that special one?)
Now would it have been great, like Elf always does, to have free postage and packing a as a little incentive to order these new products from the Barry M website :)
I'm excited by the pink crackle too- I'd probably buy the blue moon polish and layer one over t'other.
You're right about the cover stick- they vary SO much and you absolutely cannot tell without trying them.
Its always the postage price that gets me lol I litteraly ordered all the crackles and those two polishes (and about four more lol) but once I add the postage all the way to Canada It was quiet expensive so I stopped myself lol
oh my god the blue and the peach are delicious! I would be interested in trying the liner too.
Peach Melba looks gooorgeous! Would probably look strange on my rather red hands though :/ Not tempted by the crackle polishes since the black one was basically tar in a bottle.
Oh man... need both polishes... ><
ooooh I love the look of peach melba! Definitely be buying that when it comes in stores :) xxx
I have one of the Imperfection Correction (concealer pens) already. The Ivory, I like it a lot, conceals the dark rings under my eyes better than any other concealers of its type has done. The brush like tip is a little to stiff for my under eye, so I dab it on with my ring finger instead :)
I'll just take the drink, thanks.
Never was a huge fan of black crackle cos I thought it looked messy so hadn't been too thrilled at the new wave of coloured crackle but I have to agree the pink over fuschia does look really good, might have to re-think on this one!
I want the peach polish :) My mom used to have one that even smelled of peach :D I swear! Today it smells like .. shit. I've disposed it. Wasnt going for the nose clippers thing ;)
Love Miss D.Kartoffel
I love that peach melba...just depends on the tone though. Illamasqua's purity looks a bit bluh on my skin...
Amy x
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