Tuesday, 27 March 2012
My One Pound Love
The brush is a little bit scratchy, the label a little askew and the application a little bumpy but it dries to a smooth finish and I just adore this little bargain polish from MUA Cosmetics. It gives me the perfect khaki shade, with the perfect mix of green and yellow and it's just £1. What more could you ask for?
wao its very different shade
It's a beautiful colour, for £1 it's amazing value, I need to get one!
such a gorgeous shade :) xx
I love that colour :)
The first line you wrote is exactly how I feel about this polish too, and t really looks lovely on you :)
I have this gorgeous colour too. I'll do a review too :) xo
That looks lovely on nails, in the bottle it looks too swampy (or maybe it's the lighting in my local superdrug) Might have to go shopping lol
Ugh, to die for! Loving that green.
Liloo, ma chere! Tell me again (but in painful detail for dummies) how to disable captchas on my blog. PLEEEEEEEEEASE!
Why is my superdrug so rubbish! I need to travel all the way into the city to get a decent selection of MUA :(
Such great value for £1. I really like a lot of the MUA £1 range.
Wow!! I love this on you xxxx
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