I honestly don't remember what I was doing on this day one year ago, but I really don't think we had such an amazing weather, this time last year. The past 2 week ends have been absolutely amazing, and dare I say, almost warm enough to feel the heat of the sun, directly on your skin or in lightweight clothing. You could almost feel free to finally shed some layers and bare your feet. Almost, if only the F&F police hadn't been around. I'm not referring to Florence & Fred, the clothing range on sale at Tesco, but to the Fashion and Feet Police, friends, family or people from the general public or twitterland who have become beauty experts and are not afraid to express to tell you what is acceptable to wear in this weather.
You have finally some good weather, you can finally bare your feet but oh no, you can't wear flip flops, because your feet are not freshly pedicured and they have a bit of dry skin on the heel. You are supposed to book an appointment to the beautician, sort your 'minging' feet out, have your toes painted and then (apparently unpainted toes are a complete no-no for the F&F police) and only then can you have the confidence to bare your feet in public. You know what the British weather is like, it might be winter again and chucking it down by the time I've had that done. Like we didn't feel enough pressure with beauty magazines the last thing we need is people around you making you feel ashamed and ugly because your feet are not freshly pedicured. I've started the month, as pretty much every other month with a big dent in my overdraft, and having to budget for a new shower to be fixed and various other boring stuff. Are you suggesting I am not allowed to get my feet out in my lunch break, on the grass, ‘cause the last pedicure I had was about 4 years ago, in case it might traumatize the sight of some passer-by?
I love beauty, I even blog about beauty, it's my hobby. During my free time, and when I feel like it, I like to pamper myself because it makes me feel happy and good about myself. But it doesn't mean that when I don't pamper myself, I should feel like a recluse who should be kept in doors, away from the public eye.
Well said Liloo - you should do what makes YOU happy, not what other people expect you to do - why should you feel bad for enjoying the sun! Get your feet out, I'm sure they're as gorgeous as the rest of you.
Lol! Get your feet out Liloo! I am! x
I got my feet out today. If people want to study my feet then that's their problem! Bah!
Btw, I think I HAVE disabled captchas! Hurrah!
Liloo.. don't listen! You get those toes out in the fresh air and who cares what your feet look like!
I've never had a pedicure and I parade my feet about in sandals when it's warm. I don't think I've seen all that many people with really gross 'put them awayyyyy' feet... People just like having something to bitch and moan about.
Bet the people who are lecturing about your feet have a big bushy monobrow or 2 inches of dark roots because anyone that is so concerned about policing others so much can't possibly have enough time to be perfect!
Kirsten x
I loved this post! Well said!!! xx
Well said! Great post! :D
Well the F&F police can go whistle. If it is nice tomorrow I will wear sandals and blow raspberries at them :)
I don't like dry flaky heels at all, on me. I have too much else to think about to give a monkeys about anyone elses feet XD Wear sandals and we can blow raspberries at the F&F together (or make obscene gestures, either works for me)
Wow, the F&F police clearly have too much time on their hands! Enjoy the sunshine while it's here :)
WELL SAID! It's super hot here in Malta too right now and I've got the flip flops out everyday and I have UNPAINTED toe nails! We don't always have our fingers painted so why are nude toe nails so taboo? The reason I don't have my toenails done is because I'm more interested in getting my fingers looking pretty. My toes are clean and they are happy in flip flops so who are the F&F police to tell me otherwise :D
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I have my feet out right now and everything else haha xxx
I have my feet out right now and everything else haha xxx
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