The range contains 9 products but it's specifically its quick fix products which caught my eye. I like the sound of quick fixes: it means I don't have to change my whole skincare routine and that I can use these as supplements.
The Instant Hydration Mask (75ml for £19) is a gel and promises to give results in three minutes. They say that it's 'an ultra fresh and water-soaked gel that rehydrates the thirstiest skin within three minutes'.
The Angelica Hydration Face Mist (100ml for £15) aims to instantly refreshes and hydrates the skin in seconds at any moment of the day. I guess it's a bit like the Caudalie beauty elixir that everyone is banging on about at the moment but twice cheaper
Now one of those would be good as a mini freebie sample in a beauty magazine, don't you think? L'Occitane, if you are listening you know what to do
Fancy brushing up on your French. Here’s a short 2 minutes video which explain how the angelica hydrates the skin and how they cultivate it, and something about witches too! 0_o
disclaimer: I heard about the Angelica range through an email I received today and received no incentive to write about it. More information on L’Occitane website.
Sounds good - my skin is a bit dehydrated I think but it's a problem for me because I really don't like the feel of moisturiser. I wear it at night, but just can't bear it during the day. I know that's very silly, but I just can't. So the mask sounds very good for me. :-) x
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