Sunday 30 May 2010

My first blog award ^_^

I got an award from Lucie.Lovely.Cupcake. How cool is that! Lucie is a lovely French girl with a blog called "Beauty from both sides of the channel". Like me, her loves are for the English language, and make up.


stylish blogger
By accepting this award, and proudly featuring it on my blog, I need to play a little game and invite 5 others to join me. The rules are:

  State 5 random facts about yourself and tag 5 bloggers

This is really weird. I could blog for  till the cows come home but put on the spot, I am finding it hard to cite 5 Random facts about me. Anyway, apologies for the boring facts about me. 
1. I hate taking showers and I take 1 to 2 mini baths a day.
2.Although I am a Piscean and was born in a tropical island, I can't swim and am afraid of water.
3.Where I come from, we like to eat fried wasps, on a bed of white rice.
4. I can't pronounce English words which have lots of R's and W's in it. for example: rory, wirral, rowena: I just can't do it. It's so hard.
5. I once went to a date, had some wine before meeting the boy, got too drunk, made a fool of myself and was talking about my ex that night.

I would like to tag these lovely
bloggers for this award:

Lisa from Glitter and Love
May from May loves makeup
Jules/Foshoozley from Silent Jules
Karleigh from Nooberella’s Secret Beauty Blog
and last but not least, Talluluhbella
stylish blogger 


May said...

Ooh thanks sweetie!


Anonymous said...

Awww thanks for tagging me my lovely lovely Liloo! LOL, loving your facts, you and your little baths.. how luxurious, I want to be like that too :P
Water SCARES ME! eeee
Fried wasps.. sounds interrrresting xxx

lucie.lovely.cupcake said...

:) C'est cool le petit montage de photos de mon blog!! Ma maman vient de l'île de la Réunion, et ils mangent des larves de guêpes là bas aussi!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks lovely for the blog award :-) x

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