So what exactly can you expect from a nail polish at £1.99? I expected an extremely troublesome application but I was pleasantly surprised. Admittedly, this little baby took 4 coats to reach full opacity, but the layers were very easy to apply (no streaks whatsoever which totally gobsmacked me) the sheer formula glided on my nail and I was able to take my time whilst applying it. I’ve had in the past problems with nail polish where the formula dries so fast, it feels as if you only have one chance to apply it and you can’t go back on it, not with this one.
In real life, this polish is much more plummy than on the photos. I am sorry I could not capture it very well.
You can take all the time in the world to apply it, but all the time in the world it will take for 4 coats. This was not a problem for me today. I was bored, was waiting for the X Factor to watch, and was quite applying nail polish, chilling at the same time and tweeting of course. I can’t comment on durability and nail tip wear as I only put it today. My guess is that it will probably last 2 days and then it will start to chip, like all my nail polishes, which is again not a problem as I get bored easily of the same colour and that I enjoy the relaxing process of nail polish application.
All in all, this is not a nail polish I would pick if I am in a hurry as it would take quite a while for the multiple coats to dry but it’s really pretty decent for the £1.99 price tag. I really like the colour on my nails. Will the formula become gloopy quickly? We shall see, but it will certainly last me longer than a regular decaf skinny latte with 2 sweeteners.
Pretty! I have a few 2true polishes and none have glooped up yet :] Surprising since I *think* the oldest one's been open for about 2 years :S
You're getting really good at these NOTD posts now aren't ya! :) I've never really looked at the 2True range a great deal...mainly because the stand in my local superdrug always has a crowd of adolescent girls crammed round it! Love this colour though so I might have to sere if I can break through the crowds to have a look! :)
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