After a love at first sight for the perfect 'Easter Chick' warm yellow, 'You and Me' didn't start on a good foot. First coat felt like I was applying nail polish onto some cotton wool on purpose, with the nail polish trying to sit uncomfortably onto the nail bed. It presented the typical woes I had with a nail polish: you're trying to apply nail polish in some place and while trying to even it out, you're sheering that part out. At this stage, I asked myself whether it was worth continuing. Second coat was better but still a bit laborious until the third coat where I finally cracked a smile.
Despite its decidedly budget brush, I really like this polish, and if I had to imagine my perfect shade of yellow, it would be just that! It is never going to be the dreamy application of 'yellow peril' modelled here by one of my favourite bloggers ever but it is not hell on earth as Accessorize Sunny Days which has secured its firm spot in my top 10 worst polishes.
If I was in a hurry, and wanted yellow nails, I would definitely choose to apply BeautyUK 'Yellow Peril' but if I had a little more time on my hands, 'you and me' would be my preferred nail polish as the shade of yellow is just divine.
Despite a love at first sight, and some disappointing 'first dates' the journey of 'you and me' has been a little bumpy adventure, but definitely one worth sticking with and one which gave me a happy ending: lovely Easter chick nails, for the even lovelier price of £2.
Any yellow polish you like and would like to recommend?
What: Mua 'Love Hearts' U & Me Nail Polish
How much: £2 in selected superdrug stores and online
Disclosure: nail polish was bought by Myself & I
Hmmm. I'm on the fence. Gonna have to try it myself I think! It's quite unusual though, I'll give it that. :-) x
This is a perfect Easter colour, it actually is like a little fluffy chick (in a good way!)
And lol at the naked thigh.
Ellie x
It's beautiful on though, L, you'd never think you had such trouble. I really like Barry M's Lemon or Avon's new Nailwear Pro+ in Lemon Sugar.
I use a white basecoat if a pastel or neon isn't playing ball. That might help x
For a true yellow - Flormar's 41 Supershine (a yellow one-coater - who woulda thunk!) and Rilken's 585.
If you like metallic yellows (not gold), Babele had the most beautiful one.
(My monitor shows the shade you used like a Chanel June dupe, strange.)
I think this looks really lovely! I ahve to say I feel your pain! It's so hard to find a decent yellow
L'Oreal Yellow Seahorse and Nubar Hot Yellow.
I love this yellow! Though I haven't seen these in stores near me yet so may not be able to pick it up. And i'm sorry about Sunny Days! xx
I bought this when it first came out and found the application terrible too, I'm still on the fence about the colour though.
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