Wednesday 13 July 2011

En bleu, blanc et rouge … {eotd}

Demain c'est le 14 juillet. Notre fête nationale. Voici mon maquillage pour marquer l'occasion :)

You what? Every July 14th,  France celebrates Bastille Day (referred to as La Fête de la Bastille or La Fête Nationale in French), which marks the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789 and the first major event of the French Revolution of 1789.

July 14th would usually be a bank holiday in France and there will be fireworks and all sorts of celebrations and events. To mark the event, my style I wanted to create a makeup look, inspired by bleu, blanc and rouge, the colours of the French drapeau. I hope you like it. 



What I used:

- Girls with Attitude Lashes (reviewed here)
- Blue eyeshadow from W7 neon palette (reviewed here)
- Midnight Garden Blue Eyeshadow to define the crease from Sleek Monaco Palette
- White from NYX TS01 Trio Palette (reviewed here)



Petite leçon de français:

Le maquillage: makeup
Les faux cils: false eyelashes
Les sourcils: eyebrows
Le rouge à lèvres: Lipstick (yep, in French lipstick is literally red-to-the-lips, for all lipsticks)
Ombre à paupières: Eyeshadow



p.s the following logo was a logo used in 2003 in France. Silly thing to miss but would have loved to see their logo tomorrow.  Joyeux 14 Juillet, Happy Bastille day everyone x



Sharmin said...

Happy Bastille Liloo Lol!
Loving the extravagant Look!! x

Beauty's Bad Habit said...

Love iiiiit!

Lori said...

Votre maquillage est très patriote mon cher papillon.

p.s. ma francais est tres "shite" ces jours-ci :P


jaljen said...

Cara mia, google France's banner today isn't nearly as nice!

Horrid colours. Check it out.

30SomethingMel said...

I wish I had an ounce of your talent! Happy Bastille's Day! Love the look, flawless as ever! Mel xxxx

SilhouetteScreams said...

Love the red liner, and you always have the most amazing definition in the outer corner/crease. Does that sound weird? XD

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