I took the train to the next town to visit a decent size Superdrug but my first stop was Bodycare. It was Robyn who kinda brought me there. She blogged that she had found some bargain lashes in some sort of a pound shop. I didn't find the ones she bought but I went home with 2 pairs of lashes at £1.49 each (The ones in the middle with the pink flower watermark on). One is not even for me, it's for my friend as they are really similar to Eylure 145 (her favourites) so I thought these could be a nice thing to try for her. I will report on the ones I have bought for me at some other time.
I hope they are good, I really love the packaging!
They had lovely offers on at Superdrug. They had my ultimate body scrub product (reviewed here) at half price (£3.62 instead of £7.25) so I just had to stock up, naturally.
Then I was seduced by the packaging of these Superdrug own brand face masks and the offer obviously: 4 for £3. See if the packaging on Montagne Jeunesse was more attractive, I would have also indulged. Really not a fan of the face of a woman with leaves and roses covering the eyes!
No visit to Superdrug was complete with a long station on the Sleek stand. I was very eager to check out the new Eau la la Multi Purpose liners. I was very restrained and only purchased the white one. One can never have too many white eye pencils and I use them all the time on my waterline. I am hoping to test it as a some sort of jumbo pencil and will you how I get on with that some other time.
That’s it really. I hope it was not too boring.
Did you also go shopping today?
Those face masks look nice, especially the chocolate one. I kinda prefer the Montagne packaging though, these ones look like floating heads. :D
I love bodycare I the end lashes with the wee diamontes home bargains is worth a check too they do those kiss lashes for 79p qns pack of 5 lashes that are the same as girls aloud ones but in different packaging for 3 bucks xx
Be really careful with the heating facemask from there. I felt like Samantha in the episode of SATC when she has the facial peel. It put me off Superdrug facemasks forever!
I love the Body Tonic Garnier scrub it reminds of a G&T!
the natural lashes look sooooo pretty
I might have to investigate those Superdrug face maskes. The Montagne ladies freak me out a little.
I was having the exact same problem coming up with a title today!! I was going to go with Weekend finds or something silly like that but decided with spring finds lol (really not much better)
I liked this post, it wasn't boring at all. Definitely tempted to try that half-price scrub!
I have to travel to get to a decent sized superdrug aswell! I think I will be trying this body scrub seen as it's reduced :)
Ah I will have to go in to stock up on the scrub - you got me hooked on it after I read your review last summer!
Looks like a fab haul :) xo
That's my favourite body scrub too, might have to check it out if it's currently half price! Yay!
I love the superdrug fruits mask! It smells divine, gorgeous pink, and made me skin smooth as a babies arse!
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